Mary Afsharirad
When did you first meet Pastor Solomon Yadessa and learn about the Multi-Ethnic Ministry of North Texas?
I first met Pastor Yadessa when he and his family joined Faith Lutheran of Plano.
How have you and other members of Faith Lutheran become involved in the MEMNT?
We have tried to build a connection between the MEMNT and Faith’s Lutheran Women’s Missionary League group, Women of Faith. We have supported MEMNT fundraising events, including a shoe drive for the children, a Christmas angel tree, and a Christmas in July event. We have also donated funds as we are able.
Last Christmas we coordinated with the Binky Patrol North Texas Chapter to donate a beautiful handmade blanket for each MEMNT child. Faith’s youth group and their sponsors hosted a Saturday program at Our Redeemer in Dallas and it was very well received.
Also, Pastor Woelmer of Faith has a farm and periodically invites the children over to see the chickens and goats and to swim in the pool. These adventures are so much fun and well received.
As Martin Luther said, “God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does.”
How would you describe your experience with the MEMNT?
I wanted to get involved in a mission experience. Being involved, even in a small way, and working with Pastor Yadessa and the ministry has been a positive experience. God is providing the mission field right here in our own backyard. It is wonderful to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with different cultures and nationalities.
What are your hopes for the future of this ministry?
That the MEMNT continues to grow, that the participants become catechized, active members at established Lutheran Church Missouri Synod churches in the DFW area, and that they will be welcomed into these churches.
I do not want to be part of establishing separate LCMS churches divided by ethnicity and culture. I want to work toward integration of all LCMS Lutherans into established churches where we can learn and grow from each other. I realize this is not easy, but we are one body in Christ and our churches should be also.
In addition, I look forward to serving on the advisory board and building a better communication link between Our Redeemer and Faith Lutheran in support of the wonderful outreach of the Multi-Ethnic Ministry of North Texas.