Russell Holmes
Russell Holmes is a new member of the MEMNT board and represents Faith Lutheran Church in Plano. We recently asked him about his background and how he has become involved with the ministry.
My family joined Faith when I was in 2nd grade, so that would be about 30 years ago. I was confirmed there and have been a member ever since. How did you first hear about the MEMNT program and why did you volunteer to serve on the advisory board?
I was introduced to the MEMNT by Pastor Taylor and the board of missions and evangelism. I volunteered to serve on the board because I am passionate about spreading God’s Word.Tell us about your work background.
I was in the Marines for 4 years and then started welding and working on cars, which led to my current job at Texas Instruments, where I fix machines called Ion Implanters that are manufacturing chips.
What would you like to share with us about your family?
My mom is a preschool teacher at Faith, and my dad is a self-employed architect. I have 2 brothers and one of them is married, but no grandkids for my parents just yet!
Any suggestions about setting goals for the program?
My goal is to be active in the program and spread the word about what is going on here. I’ve always believed that leadership by example is best, so if I want people to get involved and volunteer, then I have to be doing the same!
Are there any areas that you would like to help with in the future? For example, hosting a meal for the kids’ program, mentoring a family, fundraising etc.
Yes! I would like to help out with the soccer games and anything else needed. While volunteering at Children’s Medical Center, I taught guitar lessons and that’s something that teenagers can really get into.
What would you say to other members of Faith to encourage them to volunteer to help with this outreach program? We are starting a campaign at Faith to encourage people to look at their community as a mission field that is right in front of us. Going on mission trips is awesome, but you don’t have to travel to have an impact and feel the amazing power of the Holy Spirit at work.
Any other comments or observations? I’ve had a great time getting to know everyone involved in this program, and I look forward to what the future brings!