Bob Kolster
I was a young sales executive when I arrived in Dallas. We transferred from Michigan and my wife and I were raising three young daughters. They were educated at Our Redeemer Lutheran School through the sixth grade. Each went on to complete her education and start a family. They have continued in their love of Jesus Christ and have retired except my youngest, who is still working in the medical field. I became an entrepreneur and started my own company marketing to the oil industry. I am now retired and look forward to the eternal life that so many now enjoy with our Savior in the heavenly kingdom.
My membership at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church since 1958 has been a wonderful, ongoing experience. The opportunity to know my Savior has been an adventure with many experiences. I have served my Lord with certainty that He brought me, with my wife and family, to Dallas for a purpose. I have many reasons to say thank you to our Lord God. I have served this congregation in almost every position possible, including my current position on the Multi-Ethnic Ministry of North Texas Advisory Board.
When Pastor Solomon Yadessa came with his family to North Texas to begin a new ministry, I was approached to be a helper. This is a new phase in my life and I have enjoyed being involved and supportive in the ministry outreach. The success achieved has been truly with guidance from the Lord our God. The ministry has experienced many challenges, but with prayer and the help of Jesus the ministry has been serving refugees and immigrants in North Texas for three years.
While sharing pizza with the children a short time ago, one of them asked about my family. I explained that my children are grown and that I live alone. Then I was asked, “Why, don’t you have any friends?” I have learned that young children have their own idea of what is normal. I explained that my children have their own homes and so do my friends, but that we are very close, active, and happy.
My encouragement to others is to strongly consider learning more about the ministry, and the various ways to be involved and supportive. It is one of many opportunities made possible for each of us as children of God who know Jesus as Lord and Savior.