Ogal and Ajulu’s Journey from Ethiopia to the US
My name is Ogal Oman Boro and my wife’s name is Ajulu. On behalf of the Anyuak community who are living in Fort worth, Texas, I would like to give a brief history of how Anyuaks came to the US and became members of St. Paul Lutheran Church.
On December13, 2003, a genocide took place by the former government of Ethiopia. Following the genocide, the Anyuaks (one of the tribes in the Gambella Region of Ethiopia) fled Ethiopia fearing persecution and tens of thousands were immigrated/scattered into parts of Africa like South Sudan, Kenya, and Uganda. Through the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the Anyuaks were scattered to Australia, the US, Canada, and European nations.
In the US, a number of states including Texas welcomed the Anyuaks and helped them settle. Five families are living in Fort Worth now. For over two years, we didn’t know where to attend church until we heard about the Multi-Ethnic Ministry lead by Rev. Dr. Solomon Yadessa in Dallas. An Anyuak family who was a member of the ministry’s Karibu Fellowship at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Dallas came to visit us in Fort Worth and told us how her family enjoys the Saturday Youth Program and the Sunday worship services. We then asked the family to invite Pastor Solomon to come to visit us at Fort Worth. Pastor Solomon and his wife Senait visited us and shared the Word of God with us. They committed to come every two weeks until they connected us with St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fort Worth. This church welcomed us as members and baptized several of our children. We are still enjoying the services and christian fellowship at St. Paul.
Mrs. Sandi Groupe, a member of St. Paul, comes every week to lead the Bible study and also conduct ESL classes for women. We are so thankful for what God is doing in the Multi-Ethnic Ministry of North Texas. This ministry continues to provide a wholistic service to our communities. We will pray that the Lord continues to bless this ministry.